Hospital vs. Independent Imaging Center

Many patients aren’t aware that when their doctor orders a diagnostic imaging exam, such as an MRI, Mammogram, or X-ray, they have a choice where they get the exam. If your doctor is affiliated with a hospital, he/she may steer you towards having it done there but did you know that the cost of the exam can be significantly less if you go to an imaging center that is independent?

Not to mention, independent imaging centers can be more convenient, provide faster service, and offer a personal touch that hospitals can’t offer.

Significantly Lower Cost

Finding the highest quality medical care at the most reasonable price is something that many are seeking these days. An exam at an independent imaging center is typically much less expensive than the same exam at a hospital. An MRI for instance, performed at a hospital can cost 4-10 times what it would cost at an independent imaging center. See this article for more details on MRI price comparisons.

Why is there such a dramatic difference? For one, hospitals have more overhead to operate. They have more departments, layers of management, and are open 24/7 so their expenses are higher. These expenses get passed on to you, the patient. Second, because of their size and scope of services, they are able to negotiate higher reimbursement rates with insurance companies. Your insurance pays more so the hospital can charge more and you are left paying a large copay. And finally, if patients don’t know they have a choice, that limits the competition that hospitals have so they can keep their prices high.

Lower cost for you, however, does not mean compromised quality of care. At Clermont Radiology, we have technologically advanced imaging equipment, sub-specialty and fellowship trained radiologists, and a team of highly skilled technologists.

More Convenient

Independent imaging centers frequently have more convenient hours. At Clermont Radiology, we are open 7 days a week with early morning and evening appointments to meet your scheduling needs.

Faster Service

Going to an appointment at the hospital can be a less than optimum experience. It may involve parking in a large, far away lot or garage, searching for the correct entrance, navigating hallways to find the radiology department, and a long wait time once there.

Independent imaging centers can offer a far superior experience. At Clermont Radiology you can expect…

  • A quick walk from your parking space to the entrance
  • A warm welcome from our Greeter who will assist you with our quick paperless check-in process
  • A brief wait time of 5-10 minutes maximum in our newly remodeled waiting area

Personal Touch

Whereas hospitals have many departments, independent imaging centers focus solely on diagnostic imaging services and can offer patients a personal touch. For example, at Clermont Radiology, we not only offer the traditional “donut-shaped” MRI, but also the Open Upright MRI, which is ideal for patients with claustrophobia and other unique needs.

We also have a private Women’s Center where patients can relax in a separate spa-like waiting area while they sip on coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Heated gowns are provided for added comfort and the MammoPad® is available for a warmer, more comfortable mammogram experience.